I don’t see the point as my queue time is 3 minutes and used to be like 30 seconds or lower for blind pick + the 1 minute lobby or whatever, ends up taking longer to get into game AND you lose ability to change runes and sums for enemy team comp. Seems backwards imo?
I absolutely hate it. Who tf thought this was a good setup for this? No fill option is ridiculous in itself and the queue times are significantly longer. Guess ill get flamed in ranked instead haha
Not good if you main two non-priority roles.
If you are a Top/Mid main, you cannot play quickplay at all at the moment, because your priority role needs to be either ADC or Jungler. Same applies to every other role you may main. If it’s not ADC or Jungler, you probably are better off just playing draft if you have it unlocked.
I like it better than blind pick I think it does it’s job.
Why remove blind picks for quickplay? Why not keep both?
The fact that you can’t choose top,mid,adc as both primary and secondary is funny, there’s barely any junglers/support in the game.