The season is flying by and we have an okay sample size to make some predictions, statements, concerns or what not. As a fan, I’ve enjoyed watching as many games as I can. There are about 12-14 teams that are worth watching. The league is deep, what are your thought on the season so far?

  • 2020IsANightmareB
    10 months ago

    Not much, really.

    It’s goofy to overreact this early in the season barring major injury.

    The Grizzlies being AS bad as they has been a surprise. And, sure, a large part of that is Ja being suspended. But, they’ve had Bane, JJJ, Smart (three proven NBA players) and Williams for all eight games.

    They’ve lost against the Blazers, Jazz and Wizards.

    4-4 or 3-5 would have been a fair guess based on their early season schedule. And, funny enough, the one Finals-level team they did play (Denver,) they barely lost.

    But, overall, just a lot of early season overreaction. Like the Wolves being “red-hot” with a 5-2 start. The Suns being “disappointing” at 4-4. The Suns are a whopping 1.5 games behind. With 74 games left to play. I’ll take a wild guess and say PHX will finish 10-15-20 games up in the standings.

  • siphillisB
    10 months ago

    That will can still interrupt our tank just to mess with the Suns, as per tradition.