Don’t get me wrong, I consider the Vita Slim the best handheld ever for personal reasons (they’re my tech buds. One stays on the desk and bed, the other is in my vest), but it’s funny to see so this reaction to what’s in many ways the PSP 2k to 3k upgrade. Granted, battery life was a bit more “it depends” there, but the sudden hype is wild to see. Now if they could just make one that would fit in my work vest…

  • kestononlineB
    10 months ago

    I wouldn’t say that. Tech thrives at different times. In the days of the PSP, the tech wasn’t around for Valve to do what they did.

    And the popularity of the Steam Deck is due to a combinations of factors; including the right timing. We were at a lul in the handheld gaming space where the only real affordable name was the switch, which was a closed eco system.

    So the timing, combined with the tech aligned.

    Remember even Apple had a device like the iPad/iPhone back in the day… the Apple Newton, but the timing and tech wasn’t ideal for support the intended experience.

    So what I am saying is, yes Valve deserves credit, but it isn’t just a matter of “doing it better”.