There are many forms of disrespect on the road — some are mild, some cause road rage, some are downright dangerous, some are hilarious. You know what I’m talking about if you have experience.
For example, many drivers seem unwilling to pass in front of a red Ferrari, however slow it’s going. They don’t realize the driver is an old wealthy guy who knows all too well not to be reckless. He doesn’t want to mess with insurance or the cops. And so it’s often a ridiculous slow parade. The other drivers are not even admiring the car.
In contrast, a small pickup truck with crappy trailer driven fast by a young man who got nothing to lose but a paycheck for being late is still never followed from behind. Everyone wants to get ahead of it, resulting in a street race of multiple odd vehicles all jockeying for front position. This is just the natural disrespect of a small pickup truck with crappy trailer because it’s still very fast traffic. It’s just dangerous.
Now when you’re driving your EV, do you get disrespected in any way? Surely it can be very subjective, but what do you notice when comparing to your non EV?