I’ve been seeing a lot of people complaining about losing behavior score. Is this happening to majority of players?
I’m asking because ever since they implemented this new behavior system, I haven’t had any issues. I haven’t had any crazy drop on my overall score or any abnormal changes.
Do you guys think that the people who are complaining about it are just more toxic in general and are in denial of their bad behavior? Or do you think that there’s something wrong with the system and these players are getting punished for no reason?
Players with below 10k score keep dropping because they keep reporting each other, you missed a last hit, bam report. Very hard to gain behaviour score if you get reported every game. The lower you go in BS the faster you gonna drop. It’s genuinely broken.
Behaviour Score does not even doing anything. I have 12k and getting trolls and flamers constantly.
I recently complained about the new system on this platform. My issue was that my score is always 11.5-12k but sometimes in a game when I communicated ‘too much?’ I got banned from typing anything in the whole game until it ended. This happened to me twice and I don’t find it acceptable. It seemed like if 2 people from my team agree I am annoying them, they can mute me like this. What is the mute button for then? And no, I did not flame in these instances, I was giving a lot of input as sometimes is needed in a 5v5 game with different skill sets (unranked) but it was still no spam by any means.
I was giving a lot of input
I hope you understand how subjective this part is. Clearly other players disagreed with your assessment.
Tell me it’s not bugged when I get comms report lowering my behavior score, when I can’t even type anything in chat. Faulty report lowers your behavior score, surely there’s something wrong.
I havent changed anything ever since the new BH system is our and initially I climbed like 4k , on my last conduct it went down with like 600 points. I dont check my reports,commeds etc. It has a lot to do with how u perform , if you play bad in a few games u r getting reported regardless of you griefing or not its just the nature of the player base.