I’m talking in particular about 50 aa range and a 2% loss of attack windup while also getting her old on hit passive back and W being almost strictly buffed by cd, mana cost, and damage, with the drawback being it only slows for 2 seconds now. She now also gets to keep the w movement speed at all times, as opposed to losing it when w is on cd. Her shield is also just bigger now and no longer decays, costs less mana later and has a slightly longer cd and only lasts for 4 seconds but also gets a way to refund 20% of the cd on slowing or knocking someone up.
all of these changes together look like they can make janna top a thing again.
Why can’t teemo get 25 aa range or have his w movespeed not be lost on champ damage? Either of those things would make teemo good again, but as it is he’s going to get outpaced by janna of all things because now she not only outranges him but also gets better bonus MS from her abilities than teemo and has a point and click slow, meaning she will probably be a safer laner than teemo, especially if your goal in lane is to just ranged harass a melee top. The point blank tornado is also a decent “get off me” tool, and she can even do a kind of insec play with her ult to put her enemy under her tower. She also offers more to her team in a teamfight lategame than teemo, who can really just blind someone like yi or nasus and throw shrooms around the fight.