I’ll start

Someone today hit me with “You don’t dive with Tracer LMAO”.

This person was supposedly a masters tank player and they were dead serious.

  • DeGarmo2B
    1 year ago

    I was in a game where a tank complained to a Mercy that they weren’t healing them enough - I as Ana was giving them plenty of heals.

    The Mercy said they were focusing the DPS and I backed them up saying the Mercy’s primary job is not to pocket heal the tank.

    The tank apparently thought this was STUPID and got an attitude and asked if we were dumb.

    I simply said, dude just go on YouTube and watch any GM guide on mercy. I promise not one of them will tell you to pocket the tank.

    He got mad and I ended up just muting him.

    In Silver-Plat, it appears that they have never watched any high level play and don’t understand the general strats of the game.

    And I kinda agree that GM strats don’t always work in Gold, but overall, the strats seem to be solid and work.