I’ll start
Someone today hit me with “You don’t dive with Tracer LMAO”.
This person was supposedly a masters tank player and they were dead serious.
Had a Lucio in my ranked game who was never wallriding.
We called him out for it and told him to swap since he clearly didn’t understand the hero. He then said “if the tank was actually tanking maybe I wouldn’t need to wallride.” (I was the tank btw)
This was in master 1That high damage is always good
Whenever I play sombra or widowmaker, i am always the one blamed if we lose for “low damage”. I think a lot of people don’t realize that shooting into the tank nonstop does nothing but generate enemy support ult charge.
That Hanzo takes zero aim and skill whatsoever and that you can basically carry games with the Spamzo playstyle
Yesterday I heard a guy saying Doom and Cassidy ult are too strong 😶
One time, I was playing Bap in a QP match, and we had a soldier who was repeatedly rushing in front of our tank trying to get kills, and was getting destroyed. When I told him he should play back a bit more, he started yelling at both me and the other support for playing behind the tank, because we are supposed to be “frontlining with him.”
A more modern one is people bashing my total damage done as sombra when I have like 30 elims
My life as a sombra main. Well I’m in silver so I’m not that surprised people don’t understand damage and kills
People calling all supports healers. Except for Moira, Moira doesn’t have any support utility for her team. So it’s just damage, heal and cycle.
Someone told me my main job as mercy was get rezzes and main heal.
Not exactly a misconception but I play Moira a lot and I have a version of this interaction a lot.
dps: I need healing
me in vc: sorry dude I can’t heal right now. dps: wym?I think lots of people don’t know that you can’t just pee with Moira. You gotta do damage to charge up your heal.
They made her purple orb suck healing charges too few patches ago, give it a try
“Shoot to heal if you’re playing as Lucio.”
“Switch!! You playing D.Va into Winston!! He hard counters you!!”
I was in a game where a tank complained to a Mercy that they weren’t healing them enough - I as Ana was giving them plenty of heals.
The Mercy said they were focusing the DPS and I backed them up saying the Mercy’s primary job is not to pocket heal the tank.
The tank apparently thought this was STUPID and got an attitude and asked if we were dumb.
I simply said, dude just go on YouTube and watch any GM guide on mercy. I promise not one of them will tell you to pocket the tank.
He got mad and I ended up just muting him.
In Silver-Plat, it appears that they have never watched any high level play and don’t understand the general strats of the game.
And I kinda agree that GM strats don’t always work in Gold, but overall, the strats seem to be solid and work.
On others:
- Some supports (specially LWs) will pull Sombra/Tracer back when they are diving.
- People will see a Symmetra in their team and WALK out of spawn instead of TPing.
On me:
- Initially tough Mercys weren’t good for shooting. Also took me long to realize they had ults since it won’t shine or make anything on the screen.
- That Hanzo needed skill to headshot.
- More people on point/cart would make a difference.
- That diving 1 by 1 in overtime was actually intelligent.
- That ults should be kept for when we hit that specific map spot that’s harder.
Not doing enough damage as Tracer so I must switch :)
That Junkrat is trash on open maps, by a plat doomfist main, while I was making most kills too
He is pretty trash in open maps, to be fair. That you were able to make him work is in spite of his kit, not because of it. Maybe you had a good game and popped the fuck off, maybe the enemy didn’t capitalize on you playing Junk. Usually though Junk is pretty bad against a team that knows what they’re doing because he needs to be pretty in you’re face to get good value and in open areas that’s just not optimal on a hero that can only either walk or minejump which makes them a sitting duck for hitscans.