I’ll start.

Borderlands 3- “Transaction packed”. It’s a meta-joke mission made by the developers to be purposefully bad, annoying, and buggy. It’s supposed to be a joke but comes across as a thumb in the eye of their audience instead. It’s a three part mission in disguise, it’s an escort mission, the character you escort constantly spews the same few lines over and over about being attacked regardless if they are under attack or not.(I’m assuming this is a nod to the Lilith line of “the lava is rising” from BL2, that doesn’t mean we wanted an encore) They use that weird fuzzy filter over the screen during the entire mission. It’s just one of those “oh no not this mission” kind of missions. What are your least favorites?

  • sometipsygnostalgicB
    10 months ago

    My list:

    • The stealth mission at the start of Zelda: Wind Waker is a dealbreaker, for good reason. There’s another one in BotW but it’s less annoying.

    • I actually love the arcade missions in Bayonetta but they are all way too long and hard to platinum.

    • COD: Black Ops vietnam mission is not only horribly racist - they just give the invaded vietnamese soldiers monobrows for some reason - it is also impossible on Hardened and Veteran mode due to infinitely spawning enemies. Favela in MW2 has the same issues both ways but I managed to survive it, and found it a more fun challenge.

    • I have a lot of bad memories in Halo Reach campaign for some reason. Fuck if I remember why. Sorry this isn’t specific.

    • Persona 5 okumara dungeon is dull and annoying, the boss is a nightmare in Royal. Fun fact he’s easier to beat in super hard mode, because your attacks do more damage, as do theirs.

    • Every mission in the second half of DMC4 sucks ass. You replay the game backwards on a timer with Dante, who doesn’t have the tools to grapple enemies, whereas all the enemies are designed to be grappled for their openings.

    • There is a part in Danganronpa 1 where you have to guess the word “SCHIZO” to describe a character’s mental condition. A fucking slur. They are not REMOTELY schizophrenic. What a horrible translation which lost me so many attempts. The word guessing games in general tend to be a bit busted in translation, some words are way longer than they were originally which makes them much harder.

    • Fatalis in Monster Hunter World is the final boss, so it makes sense that he is the world’s biggest cunt, but Lunastra shouldn’t cause as many faints as she does. She is only high rank but she produces a fiery aura that will make even endgame master rank players faint with little notice. She and her lover Teostra are also hyper aggressive for no reason.

    • Zorah Magdaros in the same game but the opposite reasons, it’s just a waiting game until the finish… least joined quest on an SOS, followed by nightshade paolumu which requires a specific set so you don’t fall asleep every 2 seconds. World has a lot of shitty key quests nobody wants to join.

    • Honourable mention to pokemon villain team gauntlets. ESPECIALLY Pokemon Emerald, what a boring chain of battles with BOTH EVIL TEAMS. Ivam glad they did away with these in Scarlet and Violet, it might be the best decision they made in those games.

    Im sure there are others but either i havent played the games enough to recall, or they aren’t significant enough to stick out. For example assassins creed is defined by its stealth and escort missions, and I find them an engaging challenge. The only missions I can’t stand are the Leonardo machines, which are impossibly hard for no reason.

    Also its nice reddit recognises - as a bullet point now

  • freeze123901B
    10 months ago

    Escort missions in AC2 around the ruins.

    You know which one I’m referring to…