After playing the beta of THE FINALS, I’ve realized how horrible this game is when it comes to its Health and Speed system.

For those that don’t know, THE FINALS have 3 types of character, very similar to the 3 classes of speed/health in siege.

The light class has really fast movement speed, but only 150 health.

The heavy class is quite slow, but has 325 health.

The medium class has average decent speed and 250 health.

All of this means that the fast characters are really quick at rotating around and flanking, but are most likely going to lose in a head-to-head gunfight with a medium or heavy.

Vice versa for the heavy, who can’t get around efficiently, but when they’re there, they can bring the hurt to anyone who takes them head on 1v1.

THE FINALS characters also have different sized hit boxes also, but we’ll ignore that since in Siege, 5’2” Iana is the exact same character height as 6’3” Sledge.

But how does this matter for Siege” you ask?

This seems like Ubisofts intention for their health and speed system also, but it directly contradicts with the one-shot headshot mechanic

Siege’s one shot head shot mechanic means that being the fast, quiet and “weak” class is practically a pure advantage, and being the slow, loud and high-health class is practically a pure disadvantage.

3 health operators are much slower at repositioning on the map, and do so much louder also, while only getting enough health to survive maybe 1 or 2 more bullets from some of the weaker weapons — that is unless you get shot in the head. This means that is almost always a disadvantage.

It’s obvious Ubisoft understands this, because the most recent example is Warden being changed to 3/1 rather than 2/2 as an attempt to make him weaker.

I can count on one hand the amount of times me being a 3 health operator has saved me from dying to something that would’ve killed me as a 1 health operator in the last month of playing this game. That’s pathetic. And it’s only niche stuff also, like getting shot in the feet from vertical play, etc. Never a direct 1v1 gunfight, because you always get killed by a one-shot headshot anyways.

So how would I fix this? Siege needs to stop pretending that one-shot headshot is a healthy game mechanic. In addition to having more health as a 3 health, you should be able to withstand more headshots.

gasp “oh how dare he? That’s been a mechanic since beta!” Yeah and? Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s good.

1 health = 100 HP and 1 headshot

2 health = 125 HP and 2 headshots

3 health = 150 HP and 3 headshots

Then, in addition to this change, further vary the speed each operator class has.

Remember when they made 3 speed operators slower to nerf them? Change that back to original. Hell, maybe even make them faster. 1 speed operators should be focused on map repositioning and flanking, and being sneaky and quiet.

I personally think 3 health operators are slow and loud enough as is, but again, if needed slow ‘em down even more and make them louder also. They should be absolute tanks that if you take on head-to-head as a weaker class is a disadvantage. Site anchors and flank watchers who punish the lighter classes if they catch them 1 on 1.

If you don’t want to go this route, then I guess removing one-shot headshot altogether would be the other way to fix this issue. Just make headshots do double weapon damage instead of the insane multiplier it has now, so SMGs would need multiple headshots, but maybe keep DMRs as one-shot headshot kills due to their play style.

I’m open to other suggestions. Please feel free to share your thoughts about this game health issue Siege is plagued with. I just want the game’s already established mechanic to be valid “pro and con” system rather than the current state it is in, where being 3 health is literally used as a nerf for operators

  • Bonnybridge22B
    1 年前

    I don’t agree with anything except the removal of 1shs, I just don’t think it’s a good mechanic. It doesn’t add any skill but adds more randomness to the game.