Unless it will be changed or reverted. We all used to nerfs but not like this. I’m all fun of having on-hit on Azir finally but this change will ruin everything Phreak did for the champion.

W changes on PBE:

  • Soldiers attack on primary target will apply on-hit at 50% value. (Rageblade, Runaan, Kraken, Phantom works)
  • W base damage rank up 50-118>>>50-110
  • W base damage from levels: 2-92(levels10-18)>>>>2-77(levels10-18)

The idea is fun and great but I believe the current version is lackluster and in-fact an unreasonable nerf hidden behind a fun change.

  • Phreak originally didn’t want forcing him into the Nashors route.
  • Forcing specific 1st item hasn’t been fun, hence the absolute failure of the mythic system
  • This is a huge nerf for HoB style burst build which was a Nashorless build mostly, with Luden-Shadowflame.
  • Overall AP Azir sees nerf on W and thus damage across the board on everywhere. On-Hit currently only applies for the main target which nerfs AoE damage.
  • You’re losing 3.75 - 15 base damage and .125 - .5 AP ratio per every secondary target. Was the plan to make him worse in AoE and better in Single Target damage dealing?
  • Since we have no idea what changes or rework we will see on the new AP items we cannot test these changes to their full extent, assuming AP items with on-hit will have a more diverse line up.

Lich Bane is straight up useless so we only left with Nashor…

  • TL;DR: Nerf to single target and AoE damage.
  • On-Hit will lock him into different build options
  • Full AP builds are nerfed
  • HoB Playstyle with AP pen is nerfed.
  • Players on PBE currently experimenting with Grasp-Tank Azir builds to exploit these changes.

Nerf isn’t the biggest issue. We knew glry days wont last long. But these changes raise new issues which will need to be handled.

As there is room for unorthodox methods with this addition. Like palyers testing Nashor 1st item with Grasp and tank items with amazing results - doubt this would be the intended/healthy way.

This is just a nerf and on-hit does not compensate for nerfs but also one that will cause more issues…It makes tank Azir more than viable.