He’s a “system”. He just came in a week or so ago. We need time to figure this out. Again, he’s not some minor piece to add to your team; he’s a dominant player.

My idea is that he really just needs to be ran with pieces that support him. I think we need to have the original unit of KL+PG+RW+Zu+Mann and then a second unit with Harden and the guys that work with him the best. We need to stagger him with our original team. This way we have basically two strong “builds” we can rotate with depending on the opposing team or how healthy our stars are.

I think that’s the best way to use him instead of trying to ram him into what we have and creating confusion about roles with RW. RW and Harden are both ball dominant and it’s great that we have two good PGs. It’s just that they overlap each other and so they can rotate.

So again, it’s been 3 games so far, but we have to understand this is something to figure out. We need to stop looking at the current games as winnable, but more as training for our team with Harden. We need to figure things out. It sucks this trade happened right NOW as opposed to the off-season, but it is what it is.

So losses are going to be expected. We need to understand that it takes time for a new system to be proven. Have hope.