Coming down to Jax for Thanksgiving, got tix for the Tits game with the family. The only other game I’ve been to was the Chargers game which obviously as a night game in the middle of January was really cold. Wondering how cold / windy it is during the day in late November in the upper sections / how much we should be bundling up.

  • SnooPets6234B
    10 months ago

    Honestly, I don’t think anybody can tell you at this point with much confidence. Sometimes it’s in the 80’s here on Christmas. Usually, Florida gets little random weeks of “cold”. January can have cold patches but it isn’t really a guarantee. It may end up just being really nice and a light jacket will be good, or maybe it’ll be wet and in the 40s and you’ll want something pretty heavy. I’d wait until the last minute, check the prediction, and go with that.