Why did you purchase an EV? Solely for not needing to buy gas?

That’s cool, but did you know that in the DRC EVs help facilitate modern day slavery of over 200,000 people who work day and night with hammers and chisels to make upwards of $.10/day? Men woman and children? Are you aware of the health issues that ensues and the destruction of the Congolese rainforest? The slavery alone goes against US child labor laws and violates the 13th amendment?

If you’re buying it for carbon reduction purposes, did you know that most states in the US produce most of their energy via coal, oil, natural gas? Unless you live in a state such as California the environmental impact is negligible.

Did you know that on average your batteries aren’t recyclable and will last you less than 200,000 miles? A battery whose lifespan drastically reduces if you charge more than 80% and you can’t drain it lower than 10% without shortening it’s lifespan?

Are you aware that your tires wear out faster due to the increased weight producing far more waste than traditional ICEVs?

The only arguments I see for EVs are that you don’t have to buy gas. They’re awful for road trips, they won’t last you as long, are subject to issues with extreme heat and extreme cold.

Nothing makes sense to me for EVs.

  • bmeislerB
    10 months ago

    As a brand-new EV owner, I can say they are simply better cars. Better pickup, as quiet as a Rolls Royce, and right now, between federal credits and dealer specials, cheaper than ICE cars. No oil changes, no smog checks, no wasting time at gas stations. And with dirt cheap electric available from midnight to 3pm, and the price of gas in California, much less expensive to run.

    The environmental aspects are up for debate - perhaps we’re just moving pollution from local to global. The real solution is widespread, cheap/free public transport. But good luck with that in the US.