As the title suggests. Firstly, I do love the plethora of features of a Tesla as well as the smooth and fun driving experience. However, for my usage, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. My M3 does not have the LFP battery, which means I can only charge it up to 80% for daily driving. In the winters, the battery drain is horrible. It’s taxing having to ensure you car stays between 20% and 80% when it’s cold winter and you don’t have a home charger. Road trips are another burden - I’ve realized that a long road trip with an EV means losing a minimum of 2 hours. Road trips with an EV is an absolute nightmare in the winter, and good luck if you happen to be stuck in traffic. I’m positive that EV infrastructure is going to get better, and so is EV battery technology. With other issues such as battery degradation, higher insurance costs, as well as repair costs, an EV is still not convincing enough to switch from a gas car for most people. I would love to hear about experiences about people here who have switched back to gas or are considering it!

  • EaglesPDXB
    10 months ago

    I’ve realized that a long road trip with an EV means losing a minimum of 2 hours. Road trips with an EV is an absolute nightmare in the winter, and good luck if you happen to be stuck in traffic

    Others might realize you probably never owned an EV, much less a Tesla.

    First tell is that EV’s stuck cold Winter traffic do better than ICE vehicles on energy usage and risk of running out of energy/gasoline.

    Second tell is that with Tesla’s SC network, 2 hours is 2,000 miles…a very long road trip and you’d lose 1 hour on gassing rest stops vs. 2 hours for charging rest stops on a 2,000 mile trip so it means losing a maximum of 1 hour on a 2,000 mile round trip.

    And the point of driving EV’s is not saving an hour on once a year 2,000 mile trips. It’s not putting 1,521 pounds of planet killing emissions into the air on 2,000 mile trips.