And why?

And, do you expect to actually buy one when you are able to ( either financially when you can some day when you have the $$, or logistically, as in getting a Boxster 10 years from now when your kids are out of the house and on their own)?

  • HP_594B
    1 year ago

    Realistically, I just want to get a Mustang to make me feel happy

    Although I have loved super cars and luxury cars like the average Joe does, it sorta diminished over time, but my love for the Mustang always remained the same

    If only I was born 10 or 20 years ago, maybe I’d been sitting with an S197 GT500 (the GOAT) or at least an S650 (or S550) GT

    I don’t even care the transmission, I just want to own one and hear that V8