Personally, there is nothing better than landing an Ashe arrow that reads multiple seconds of gameplay in it. Runner up is max range Nidalee Q
Pantheon R spear. Legends say if you land it you temporarily become ‘him’.
Cross map briar R feels good… when you don’t suicide doing that
All shots of Xerath ult, you feel like a fucking genius when you hit a full Xerath ult and 100-0 some poor immobile squishy.
Multi man Swain E into the juicy yank
Malzahar R on feed adc
taliyah W
Yasuo fighting an enemy while nado simultanously hits another enemy long range
Briar Ult and Urgot ult on a low Hp(below execution range) target in fog of war
probably ezreal q’s (especially if they have W on them) its fast moving enough to where if you predict their movement you’ll hit them like 85% of the time and the champ just becomes soooo unlocked if you land every q