• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • Yuumi is the worst newbie champion. She does so little that you can get away with doing barely anything, so odds are you will and you won’t learn.

    You should play literally anyone else. Other roles are slightly better for learning than support, but it doesn’t matter tons. Play whoever you enjoy. Don’t bother thinking about strength. Strong champs get nerfed every few patches. Play someone you can consistently enjoy and therefore play enough to get good at.

  • The most fun was old Asol. People viewed you as a sort of god. I’d get complimented in all chat for good plays. I’d be able to do things most players just couldn’t because they hadn’t put in the hours. Even playing with higher elo friends I’d make some plays they’d never expect because I was 200k mastery Asol and they’d played him in aram a few times. People would always call him weak, call me a masochist for playing him, but then I’d win lane with just autos, roam, win side lanes, secure objectives, then outscale them. Sure it was sometimes hard, because his strengths weren’t in the conventional places you want. But when he worked there was nothing like it.

  • Top: Nasus, Cho, GP (not infinitely), Sion

    Jngl: Bel’veth, Kindred, Shyvana (barely)

    Mid: Syndra (not infinitely), Asol (the best late game stacking champ), Veigar

    ADC: Senna

    Supp: Thresh, Swain, Bard

    If you want just pure stacking and scaling, Asol is the best late game stacking champ in the game. There’s no contest really.

  • Katarina. Used to be my perma ban because she was always dashing around, no CDs, always everywhere on the map and deleting teams with her R.

    Until I played her and realised her dashes don’t entirely reset off daggers, and have a fair CD early even when she dashes to a dagger. Without your dash to gapclose you’re pretty much useless and really easy to bully. And her daggers are also a really predictable damage source. So you can either not go near daggers and she’s useless, or bait stand near a dagger and kill her when she dashes.