Are fans still wearing blue ski masks at home games? Or did we retire this and wearing one will it look out of place?
I think it’ll make a comeback for the playoffs if we finish out the season well. And if people do it consistently even if it’s less then everyone it’ll slowly stick and become a thing if we stay decent for a decade or two
Was the dumbest idea to be our “thing” as a fan base. Makes us look like criminals and how comfortable would it be to watch an entire game in that??
If we would’ve won the first game people wore them to, it would’ve caught on, probably. But we lost to Seattle so we just get clowned for them and it died off. It was a meme for a bit on r/nfcnorthmemewar
I’ll start following the meme war.
You see it about 1/20 people. I think it definitely has staying power. Closest thing we have to a Cheese head besides a paper bag so…
I was at the Seattle game and then the Panthers game a few weeks later. Seattle really didn’t have a large number of fans doing it. You’d see it occasionally. Panthers game had way less. Who knows with MNF though and right before Halloween. I’ll be there and imagine more general costumes than ski masks.