He broke the premier league scoring record in his first season, he won city their first ucl. Won the treble. He has 13 goals in 12 games this season. Excluding ballondor and that, how can ANYONE not drool for Haalands goalscoring ability. This is coming from a Liverpool fan that cant believe the standard of talk around this player.

  • Toribio_the_redditorB
    10 months ago

    Because his strenghts and talents are not the most “artistic” and don’t feel like strenghts a conventional football genius would have for most people. His biggest atributes are strenght, accuracy and specially, positioning. Even tho He is indeed a genius at scoring goals, He needs a strong team to create oportunities for him. He is not necessarily a better player then De Bruyne, for example, they are way too different and have different roles in the pitch.

    Even tho He is among the best in the current cenario, the fact that he is not that skilled and depends more on his teamates than other types of geniuses, people tend to underrate him, even tho any team would want him, probably.

    So, In my opinion, even tho He is a Genius at scoring goals, He is not a genius with the ball overall. And I believe that is why many people don’t lose their minds over him, even tho his scoring numbers is insane