That’s all

  • root_passw0rdB
    10 months ago

    While I agree with the OP, I think EB needs to be throw in the pile too. He’s shown very little situational awareness and this bullshit of waiting until the last 10 minutes to switch up the play calling is trash.

  • Megumi-NodaB
    10 months ago

    There was a reason why Bruce Allen didn’t call and congratulate Dan Snyder when he hired Ron Rivera because he fucking sucks

  • 12eseTB
    10 months ago

    Strap Juste on that rocket too. Dude literally cost us the drive prior to our TD. Two huge penalties and then he let Lockett score.

  • bleepbluurpB
    10 months ago

    I have a feeling they are getting Howell to throw as much as possible to get used to this playbook for next year

  • BacchusIsKingB
    10 months ago

    I think if we lose to the Giants again, it could actually happen

  • reddit4neB
    10 months ago

    OKay, lets actually approach this from a logical standpoint, and figure out what Harris may be thinking, instead of just reacting emotionally like we did in the Snyder era. Lets leave that type of thinking behind with Snyder.

    Its quite clear Ron and JDR have coached themselvs out of job’s this year. Harris stated weeks ago, related to Ron Rivera’s job, that “he needs to see results on the field.” Thats as close as an owner is gonna get to saying, “Unless he pulls a miraculous turn-around, he’s gone.”

    But now, what do we do with that? At 4-6, unfortunately, we are not mathmetically out of playoff contention just yet. Unilkely as it is, a 5-2 or 6-1 finish could see us squeek into the playoffs, and a 7-0 finish would virtually guarantee it.

    As far as firing JDR, well thats up to Ron. Ron has tied his ship to the sinking JDR, and it will likely pull them both down. Thats Rons fault, Ron will bear the consequences of that. You cant expect the owner to go over Ron’s head and fire JDR, but but keeping JDR is pretty much Ron’s fatal final mistake, as coach and player personnel.

    If JDR and Ron Rivera are fired right now, where does that leave us? Who is gonna coach the defense? I assume this type of move would see EB getting promoted to temporary HC? I would like to eventually see this move when/if we are mathematically eliminated, but whats the value in doing that now?

    As for EB, I think he has shown value as a good O-coordniator. He deserves some of Howells success, he’s turned our offense from the leagues worst to a pretty good offense in just half season, and there’s no reason to doubt that, with perhaps a little more time and some help with the Ol-line, this cant be an elite level offense.

    He has not proven he is a good HC. His playcall on 4th and short vs. Philly, going empty-backfield inexplicably announcing a short-pass that Philly easily stopped, is the type of messup that makes me forever doubt his overall ability to manage games from a supervisory role and understand situational football. But, perhaps thats a one time brain fart that he has learned from.

    Anyhow, it leaves me with way too much doubt to be comfortable hiring him as a football HC, without giving him a trial period first to see if he can handle and understand how to manage games, manage other people, etc. But the only problem is, I dont want to do that in an impossible situation where I expect him to win games. He’s an Ocoordinator, if he has to be the interim HC with JDR and Ron gone, we have to be willing to evaluate and see him through the prism of understanding he has no help on the defensive side of the ball, and so wins or any imporvement are unlikely.

    Thats why I think we should wait until we are MATHEMATICALLY eliminated to give EB a trial run. At that point, we just want to take a look and see if he can manage an organization, if he can get us still looking like professionals, if he can continue to field an improving offense while still handling the additional responsibilites of head coach. If he can, keep him as head coach obvoiusly, easy decision to make.

    If he doesnt do well as interim head coach, but we decide that we really like him as an O-coordinator just keep that in mind when interviewing candidates for a new head coach. Would they be willing to work with EB as O-coordinator? Some guys may say yes, a lot will want to bring in their own guys – so keep your options open and evaluate the candidate accordingly, keeping EB as Ocoordinator doesnt have to be make or break, its just a factor that you can keep in mind when interviewing. Whatever you do, dont fire RR/JDR before we are mathematically eliminated, hand over keys to EB and expect him to somehow produce instant wins with no help on defense while being suddenly thrust into a vastly new rold, thats unfair to EB and would not be a good way to evaluate him as potential HC

    tl/dr Moving forward in a logical manner is better than a reactionary emotional manner. Keep RR until mathematically eliminated, at that point put EB as interim HC as a trial, move forward after evaluating EB as potential HC without expecting wins just competency in a managerial role and continued improvement on offensive side of ball. In offseason interview HCs with ptoential option of keeping EB as O-coordinator in mind.

  • liquifiedtubaplayerB
    10 months ago

    A tanking team trying to get the game over with goes for 2 at the end. A coach fighting for his life goes for 2 at the end. Frustrating.