I am considering making a deposit for 911 2S or 911T factory order at MSRP only (7 speed ZF manual). How many dealers in the US do you think either practice this fair pricing scheme already or willing to honor the MSRP pricing in November of 2023 for simple T’s and 2S’s?

As a principled consumer who believes in fair and just pricing, I refuse to pay any dealer markups for any (non-limited edition) cars, period.

  • NoahtheRedB
    10 months ago

    What does ‘fair’ pricing even mean on a luxury car?

    • tprev1OPB
      10 months ago

      At least honoring the MSRP is a starting point for the term “fair” pricing. Many European countries even bar dealers from charging over the MSRP. The problem with the stealerships in the US is that most sensible people with discretionary money to spend on $160K vehicles often choose not to spend it, if the deal looks like a ripoff by the dealers. That’s unnecessarily missed sales for the dealership, whether it has the allocation immediately available or not. There is no infinite demand at this price point, and VW Porsche is not and will never will be a Ferrari as a brand.