Specificially hitscan DPS, with Hanzo being a special exception due to how absurd his damage is from just spamming LMB.

You play a tank?

  • You have a hitbox the size of the moon.
  • You have EXTREMELY limited damage or ammo.
  • Unless you have something like Orisa shift, Doom E, Ram block and etc, you just get LITERALLY MELTED by every braindead hitscan abomination out there.
    • Soldier kills you in one clip without breaking a sweat.
    • Hanzo 3 taps you.
    • Bastion makes you not exist.
    • Sym kills you instantly, especially if you have a shield.
  • Your damage is too telegraphed to hit anyone even slightly mobile.
  • Ana makes it so you can’t be healed, and you just auto lose because wowie you’re the only tank in the game and you’re usually in the front line.
  • Your kit is tuned to need your team around in order to get anything done, so if your DPS aren’t good, you just lose.

You play healer?

  • Have fun being chased by divers all game since there’s only one tank now, and if it’s not that, it’s Soldier with his sniper melting you across the map.
  • You don’t have CC or anything anymore outside of Ana, so it’s not like you can peel yourself.
  • Most healers have like 200 or less health, so you can’t run away either since you die instantly.
  • You run out of healing juice / ammo / etc for LITERALLY a split second? Everyone around you dies, since damage is so high.
  • Outside of Moira and a cheating Bap / Zen, you have like no damage, so you can’t just carry on your own either.
  • The state of your DPS determine the outcome of your game.

You play projectile DPS?

  • Your damage sucks.
  • You don’t have the utility to make up for it.
  • Your hitbox is usually gigantic.
  • You’re usually immobile.
  • Your damage is super telegraphed and easy to avoid.
  • You have a lower fire rate / lower range / low ammo / long reload times.
  • Even if you consistently headshot you don’t do damage.

You play hitscan DPS, or Hanzo?

  • You have god tier damage for literally no reason.
  • You usually have a good kit to back up your absurd LMB spam damage.
  • You don’t have to think about what you’re doing, you have no leading, no bullet drop, you just point and click.
  • You’re usually mobile.
  • Your hitbox is itty bitty.
  • You have next to no reload time, if any.
  • You have basically no damage drop off, even Reaper’s shot guns do damage at 90% of the usual ranges in the game.
  • Since hitscan damage is instant and guaranteed, your damage is not predictable or telegraphed at all.
  • You LITERALLY MELT shields, tanks, and everything that could potentially stop you.
  • If you can head shot you instantaneously kill everything and everyone.
  • You can single handedly determine the outcome of literally every fight.

… like, what’s the deal? Why is hitscan so strong? It’s been this way since the game came out too (and I’m talking OW1), and I really don’t understand it. I love playing things like Torb, Mei, Sym, tanks, healers, and etc, but why ever bother when I could just play Reaper or 76 or any other super fun and fair hitscan and turn my brain off to automatically win every game?

    10 months ago

    Hitscan DPS are in worst state in years Cassidy is worst hero in the game atm. Ashe is weak/situational pick. Soldier is good. Sojourn is mid. Widow is mid/weak. Projectile bulky DPS rule the game now. Torb is better then every hitscan dps. Soldier and mei are same tier for me. Divers problem for support lol. Brother you never played tracer and try to dive ilari with pylon healing her all time and dives to 2 bodyshots from her or kiriko she will hunt diver not diver hunt her or baptiste diving him as genji or even winston. Oh he is low there goes immortality field nice now i need kill him, there go shift you need to only do 200 damage at this point but you are already dead. DPS determine outcome of the game only when they are on mercy pocket. If they are not supports have more impact on outcome of the game than DPS and far more than tank. Im saying this as gm1 support and gm5 dps main. Its easy for me to be gm1 support. But for dps i rarely peak gm1.