I asked the same thing about T1 vs JDG last week. This time, i know nothing about WBG. So please tell me who you think will win, how and under which condition. T1 looked very promising against JDG. My only fear is, that they won’t respect WBG and lose for underestimating them. I think, and i say that for knowing nothing about WBG, T1 wins 3-2.

  • R-R-ClonB
    10 months ago

    WBG had problem closing games when they had leads; overextended, losing fight they shouldn’t and their rotations and dragon setup are sus. T1 is not a team you’re allowed to do this kind of mistakes, one bad TF and the game is over, one bad setup a dragon and T1 get soul, one misplay and T1 snowball the lead.

    If peak T1 show up it should be a 3-0 with one game going the distance because WBG did good in early to mid game, but if T1 final debuff show up we can see a 3-2 for either WBG or T1.

    People talk about TheShy counters and God like performance, the thing is Zeus have played better while giving more room in draft to his team because he can blind Aatrox, something not other top have been able to do with the same success and he’s a counter specialist too, so unless Zeus underperform I don’t see him getting gap.