I asked the same thing about T1 vs JDG last week. This time, i know nothing about WBG. So please tell me who you think will win, how and under which condition. T1 looked very promising against JDG. My only fear is, that they won’t respect WBG and lose for underestimating them. I think, and i say that for knowing nothing about WBG, T1 wins 3-2.

  • Initial-Bicycle9688B
    10 months ago

    T1 3-0 or 3-1 weibo. In interviews the youngsters already admitted that they underestimated DRX and it was part of the reason why they lost. They will not make the same mistake again this year and will be fully prepared. I think Weibo is great at adjusting and theshy is on hot streak but the team gap is too much and zeus just has to go even and T1 will win out.

    -Zeus will go even with theshy even with top prio.

    -Faker will be winning mid slightly with better roams and agency to get bot ahead

    -oner will gap weiwei in smite fights.

    -keria will giga gap crisp who’s kinda inting rn.

    -guma will carry along with faker with the leads that they create/are given.