Below is an actual photo of my teammates when I ping MIA exactly once:
xBrian69420x, shortly after dying to gank announced with a MIA ping,12.11.2023 21:30
In this chaotic, high-pressure game nobody, and I mean nobody pays attention to the soft sound and mild colors of certain pings, like MIA, unless they are spammed. So, in my opinion, if we are no longer allowed to dingdingding at are fellow teammates, I’m fine with that, but the single ding should be twice as loud and associated with much more intrusive visuals.
Also, common practice preached by many educational streamers was to spam-ping the MIA _along the path you suspect the enemy took_. This is something that was taken away from the game and if the spam-pings are not coming back we should get a tool to indicate enemy pathing in a more respectful manner.