I’m a Lawyer. It’s what I’ve studied for years, what I’m great at. I mostly specialize in family law, but I’ve dabbled in corporate and entertainment/IP law as well. I’m also a fan of food, fitness, nutrition, etc.

I’ve identified two small niches within both the legal and health industries which could use a SaaS product. I’m going to spend the next few days trying to decide which one I should pursue by talking to potential customers but I’m curious, if you were me which one would you pursue:

What you’re good at and spent your entire life studying vs what you’re passionate about?

  • RotoruaFunB
    10 months ago

    Neither OP. Option 3, the one that will SELL best. Make the decision based on 1) who has the most pressing problem, 2) who is the biggest market share, 3) who will pay for this solution.

    Invest in market research prior to build. Source: I use to work in corporate market research for new products for 25 years.