The Texas Rally for Life gets underway today in Austin, Texas. Thousands of pro-lifers are expected to gather in support of stronger protections for unborn Texans.
I am talking about before a woman gives birth to a baby, whether she is 4 weeks pregnant, or 3 month pregnant, and she wants to murder the baby inside of her before she gives birth.
That’s called an abortion, not murder. See, since it’s inside of a human with her own agency, no one else has any say in what she does. It’s a very simple concept called bodily autonomy.
The right to life is the supreme law and rule. Everything else is secondary, including bodily autonomy is secondary to the right to life. During pregnancg, the lifeof the baby is most important. The mother has already lived her life, she decided to mess around and get pregnant, the baby must be protected at all cost during pregnancy because the baby has not had a chance at it’s right to life yet, so the baby’s life comes first, the mother’s life is seconday.
She should never been with a man if she was not willing to sacrifice her own life and put the life of the child insider of her as first priority, she comes second.
I am talking about before a woman gives birth to a baby, whether she is 4 weeks pregnant, or 3 month pregnant, and she wants to murder the baby inside of her before she gives birth.
That’s called an abortion, not murder. See, since it’s inside of a human with her own agency, no one else has any say in what she does. It’s a very simple concept called bodily autonomy.
Bodily autonomy of the person inside her during pregnany. If she does not want to be pregnant then she must remain celibate and never be with any man.
Even if we hold that a fetus is a person, that person is not having their bodily autonomy violated.
Even if we hold that abortion is murder, it is still morally right, because the right to bodily autonomy is more important than the right to life.
The right to life is the supreme law and rule. Everything else is secondary, including bodily autonomy is secondary to the right to life. During pregnancg, the lifeof the baby is most important. The mother has already lived her life, she decided to mess around and get pregnant, the baby must be protected at all cost during pregnancy because the baby has not had a chance at it’s right to life yet, so the baby’s life comes first, the mother’s life is seconday.
She should never been with a man if she was not willing to sacrifice her own life and put the life of the child insider of her as first priority, she comes second.
So, why aren’t we forcing people to donate blood? Or organs? Why can’t we take half your liver, against your will, to save someone else?
The fetus is not a person, not a body.
You don’t get to tell the woman what to do with her body any more than she gets to tell you what to do with yours.