If only they were pro life, but we know they aren’t.
And they’re all catholic-school teens, a group well known for its critical thinking skills…
Some would say they have been groomed their whole life.
The idea of a community with the Gadsden flag celebrating an attempt to restrict rights is as hilarious as ever
As a Gadsden flag enjoyer I find that most people that fly the flag have no fucking clue what it actually means.
The one that always cracks me up is the Gadsden flown alongside a thin blue line flag.
Motherfuckers who do you think the government is gonna fetch when it’s time to start treading??
Ah yes. The state that has no problem in self defense, as long as it involves guns, not doctors.
What are they doing advocate that pregnent women don’t murder their children?
Murdering your own children has been illegal forever. It’s women’s healthcare that classic religious terrorists, and modern Republican fascist terrorists, are trying to make illegal now.
You don’t know the meaning of fascism. You are the kind if oersin that you are trying to insult.
You want to make legal for a pregnent woman to ask someone to murder her child while she is still pregnant.
Did this pregnant woman give birth to a child in the past, and is she looking to have that child assassinated in this scenario? That’s covered under regular old murder laws.
I am talking about before a woman gives birth to a baby, whether she is 4 weeks pregnant, or 3 month pregnant, and she wants to murder the baby inside of her before she gives birth.
That’s called an abortion, not murder. See, since it’s inside of a human with her own agency, no one else has any say in what she does. It’s a very simple concept called bodily autonomy.
Bodily autonomy of the person inside her during pregnany. If she does not want to be pregnant then she must remain celibate and never be with any man.
The fetus is not a person, not a body.
You don’t get to tell the woman what to do with her body any more than she gets to tell you what to do with yours.
Bodily autonomy of the person inside her during pregnany.
Even if we hold that a fetus is a person, that person is not having their bodily autonomy violated.
Even if we hold that abortion is murder, it is still morally right, because the right to bodily autonomy is more important than the right to life.