Maybe it’s a separate issue, but Diggs notices that he’s been beat (0:06) and is about 3 to 4 yards behind. By the time, Diggs comes back into view he’s now totally out of the play even though he’s cut the angle.
Point being is that his speed and effort are lacking IMO. If a safety is slow, he has to be ultra-cautious so he doesn’t get beat over the top. If his effort is lacking, we’ll begin to see more plays where he gives up the advantage (positional leverage) too easily.
Here’s some more from the Ravens game. These may seem harsh but if we can clean up these issues in the short-term then we can be much stronger.
Goal line run - RB runs 9 yards by the time Diggs runs 3 yards. Bobby had the edge, so only one lane to close
Run play - Diggs jogs as if he’s ok giving up half the field
Run play - Commits but decides that there’s too much traffic
Seriously, a single screenshot.
This sub, I swear.