Seen a few posts on this subreddit of people claiming that they were “wrongly” suspended, only to admit they used language like “ggez”, “diff”, or even “you’re just bad”.

It’s really not that hard to just be friendly, period. If you stomp the other team just say “gg”. If you’re so compelled to let people know you had an easy time then you can say that in team chat. There’s little no reason to try and put someone down, especially in a video game.

If you wouldn’t do it in real life then you shouldn’t do it in game.

Happy reporting! :D

  • NoxEnjoyerB
    10 months ago

    OP you’re gonna get a lot of hate comments but just know that these are the same people who are extremely toxic and are upset that they are now facing consequences for it.

    • Designer_Drink_6036B
      10 months ago

      Why would you get mad at someone saying something like “ggez” “ez” “diff” and things of that nature to the point where you report them? Id understand if they are saying slurs and using hate speech yes it’s annoying getting stomped and then having the enemy team say those things but guess what? It’s not that big of a deal it’s just a game get over it and put on your big boy/girl pants up this is a non issue.