I’ve played singed for like 8 years . The most fun champion for me in the game no other champ fells like him. I do just play casually in ranked.

Discovered one of the lads I work with plays he’s all elitist and says when he sees a singed he knows the game is going to be 2x harder to win and he’s just a troll champion . I don’t see it at all he just a lot of fun with a very unique play style .

  • xObiJuanKenobixB
    1 year ago

    Because there’s 0 interaction with the champion, especially if he proxies

    You take a lane and completely remove any agency from the opposing laner by just existing. They can’t chase you, they can’t force a fight on you, and you refuse to interact or do anything other than proxy waves and be an annoyance. At least with champs like Nasus they have to be in the lane to farm and stack up so there’s a chance they mess up the wave and I get a freeze or they overextend and I get a trade or something. With Singed, the entire game plan becomes “sit under tower and farm waves, wait for your jungler to hopefully path up towards you to kill Singed”

    And if the Singed player has a connected brain stem, they’ll just suicide into tower and execute and waste everyone’s time, so nobody even gets gold or xp from you dying. It’s one of the most outdated, gimmicky, unfun, and uninteractive designs in the game and the only reason he’s still in the game the way he is is because he’s an older 2009 champion and they don’t want to get rid of it.

    They need to make him an actual laner, give him mana for damaging champs with poison, make him not nearly as mobile in the early game, make his flip throw you like Urgot E meaning they land right next to you and not 20 feet away from you, etc. Force him to actually sit in the lane and interact and most people won’t hate him.