I’m not suggesting anything higher than 3. But just as a guard to stop firstimers, botted accounts, smurfs, and give new champs a chance to be balanced before hitting soloqueue. I saw this argument a while back and while it had some merit, it made picking for each-other impossible, but since riot has added a pick order swapping function it might be more viable. I know 20 champs to mastery 3 is seen like a lot but realistically, if you’re fresh level 30 hitting ranked you’re probably not gonna do great anyway.

I know its a huge change and probably is loaded with flaws. But I just think instead of fixing issues like pinging your teammates maybe focus the effort on the things that actually ruin games?

  • Checkmate2719B
    1 年前

    Yesterday i got autofilled jungle and first timed viego in emerald going 7/1/7 and winning. If i was forced onto a mastery 3+ champ my only option would have been karthus jgl with an ap top and mid.

    I am very happy that riot doesn’t listen to dumb ideas like this