Vex, naafiri, millio, renata, briar all have clear weaknesses but ok buddy
Vex, naafiri, millio, renata, briar all have clear weaknesses but ok buddy
The better you are the weaker tanks get? Tanks are viable in pro play and that’s the highest lvl of play.
I disagree, Cuzz did have a better year than Canyon but DK lanes were a lot less consistent than KT lanes which definitely will have an impact on how a jgl looks. If Cuzz has a better performance next year too then I’ll be wrong but I personally still think Canyon is a better player
I started walking into enemy Senna ults after playing too much with a Senna one trick
Watch the twitch or youtube vod
Bro pls tell me you also “happen to have access” to a hwei trailer or cinematic, if u dm me a link I’ll tell no one promise
If you enjoy learning complex kits then I’d recommend Aphelios, he is extremely rewarding to learn (maybe not in terms of strength but definitely in terms of enjoyment). But if that’s not your cup of tea then just play whichever one fits the role you enjoy the most
No, Yuumi just needs a full rework rather than one where they keep the core gameplay the same.
Are you in master +? no? Meta doesn’t matter at all then, people will perform better on off meta shit they onetrick than meta stuff they never play. Stop being a dick and let your teammates play what they want
I hope you have the kr casters going “Choooooooooovy” in ur video
Faker and 4 faker clones
Yesterday i got autofilled jungle and first timed viego in emerald going 7/1/7 and winning. If i was forced onto a mastery 3+ champ my only option would have been karthus jgl with an ap top and mid.
I am very happy that riot doesn’t listen to dumb ideas like this
Chovy is best in laning phase imo but Faker is just too valuable so it has to be him
Watch nemesis on syndra, idk what rank he is rn but he was 3rd a few days ago and he is making syndra look insane
Every pro/top tier player speaks highly of his skill. Ppl who have never reached challenger hate on him despite this cos they clearly can judge a player’s strength better than actual pros.
Viktor is the one I really don’t get, malz and vlad is whatever they are fine without atk speed rune, but viktor? Viktor could use a buff too
Emerald rank has nothing to do with matchmaking. Matchmaking is based on mmr which afaik wasn’t changed with the addition of emerald. Matchmaking shouldn’t have been affected, it was always shit nothing new there