• Equivalent_Alps_8321B
    11 months ago

    Why would amd leave the gpu market if the console makers are using their gpu’s? doesn’t make sense. i’m very happy with my amd gpu.

  • Tuned_OutB
    11 months ago

    It’s more a testament to the power of Nvidias marketing and AMD ready and willing to shoot themselves in the foot. Say what you will about ray tracing, it hasn’t been significant for years until Nvidia had it running good enough with DLSS and other ai assistance in their mid tier cards. 2000 series was absolute ass with rt, the 2080ti was barely good enough but they got everyone on the hype train while AMD just rolled over with nothing to offer but a Radeon 7 and 5700xt. But the pictures of like 6 ray traced titles available at the time had everyone drooling.

    The 5700xt was a whole different affair. If the common dumb dumb didn’t install with a fresh windows installation or properly full clear previous drivers, it was a nightmare with reported issues. Blame the customer if you want but the reality is, the series instilled the mindshare thought that if you want driver headaches, you go AMD.

    Then comes 6000 series with no supply despite being a great round finally for AMD. Nvidia was ready tho. More 3000 series available even if you had to fight for them and dlss2 made ray tracing performance relevant in the medium tier, even if the game support selection from either was meh. You absolutely cannot stop the “buuuuttttt cybbeeerrrpunk” crowd spamming performance benches as they play the same title on repeat for years. It was dumb but the fact is, it looked great and it convinced many that if you had to fight for a GPU during the pandemic, you might as well fight for the hype.

    Fast forward to modern day. The 7000 series is finally out and actually good after price drops and driver issues worked out. Too bad Europe and high energy cost states in the US have users wondering if they want the extra space heater or not. Nvidia firmly controls the high end with the 4090 and they’re willing to put their marketing beasts to work to remind you of it. AI is getting even better but amd is a gen behind. Amd marketing effectively ghosted the market except dumb comments from their execs at conferences or social media. There hasn’t been a good marketing run from amd since the 580. The 5700 era was fine but it led inexperienced users into a driver trap.

    Still, despite all this, because Nvidia hiked prices amd still has a place. Their igpu/APUs are second to none, console dominance controls how fast ray tracing is integrated because publishers care about where the money is (consoles), and the low to mid/lower high market still has competitive price points, even if higher then previously. Fact is, you don’t have an alternative but to sit out, hunt aggressively for a deal, or pay up.

    History will repeat, Nvidia will push features that are not ready for the masses and their God tier marketing will make you think you’re missing out even if you aren’t. AMD will play second place but isn’t going anywhere, and we’ll continue to hope Intel finally disrupts the market with something that can compete.

    Personally I just enjoy being at the high end of the previous gen. Prices are where they should of been and it can do 99% of what I want without paying an arm and a leg. A 5800x3d and a 6950xt allowed me to build a beast that is up to the task and cost roughly $1400 vs throwing up over $2500.

  • FerchogtXB
    11 months ago

    Meh… that’s what you wish. AMD has been there since always, and there will be.

    My setup is AMD, and I’m happy with my current laptop, and my friend is super happy with his RX 6600 XT. AMD is the option for budget builds, and I have been in red team always.

    Sorry Intel and nVidia, your wishes won’t come true.

  • Handsome_ketchupB
    11 months ago

    PC Gamer seems to only write clickbait ragebait articles. Ignore and move along.

  • JadedPenguinOPB
    11 months ago

    So first of all, before the downvotes start, let me just say that I don’t really agree with this opinion article. That being said, it certainly highlights that Nvidia is very successful in projecting the image that it is advancing graphics technology into the future, while AMD is sort of hobbling along, unable to keep up.

    Personally, I don’t care all that much about raytracing. Mostly because I play mostly games where raytracing isn’t even a thing, but even in the games that I play that have raytracting I am still not that awed by it. Just adding this so people don’t think that I share the author’s mindset.

    I’m also not convinced that AMD’s relatively low market share is all because of it not being able to keep up. The last year AMD has made some seriously odd choices where they set the initial price for some of their GPU’s way too high, only to lower them to a more acceptable level a few months later. It seems that they just can’t help from shooting themselves in the foot. If they really wanted market share, they could have done things a lot better with the line-up that they have.

    That being said, the kind of discourse like in this article probably isn’t what AMD would like to see. So the question is, is there anything AMD can do about this? Or do you think AMD should just ignore it? It definitely seems like Nvidia is winning the PR fight in the mainstream tech media.

  • PsilogamideB
    11 months ago

    Oh no, NVIDIA has RT and DLSS, now I can’t ANY play games on my AMD GPU!

  • Temporary-Map4810B
    11 months ago

    Why is there so much emotionality around AMD? Why does no one look at anything like financials or business logic?

    Radeon is making more revenue and profit than ever before. Why would they fold now when they didnt the last 15 years? How does the author not understand the connection between iterating PC graphics to have GPUs ready for datacenter/consoles/APUs and now even smartphones?

    This article is honestly staggeringly stupid even for “online jounalism”. It’s bad even as a random rant or forum post on reddit or 4chan. This is the kind of stuff that would get people called a r-word and laughed at, and it’s written by a “journalist” in a “respectable tech website”.

  • riklaunimB
    11 months ago

    I’m sure AMD is worried… that it can’t make more MI300 accelerators than what they could sell to the market. They don’t care that much about not having a “make RTX 4090 cheaper” card when they can have a card with much much higher margins for cloud/data centers.

  • lt_dan_zsuB
    11 months ago

    Out of the market would be a surprise, but amd does need to get their act together. With Rdna1 and 2 it looked like amd was going to reach parity with Nvidia again. While their raster performance is fine now, amd is really falling behind in other features. They’re falling behind more and more with RT, DLSS is better than fsr, and their launch of frame gen and antilag+ was embarrassing.

  • R_radicalB
    11 months ago

    Whoever wrote this is faded. They just invested so much getting back into the game.

  • PrayForTheGoodiesB
    11 months ago

    AMD still the best Cost x Benefit regardless of what Nvidia does when it comes to features.