Echo stickies on E and beam on right click
Ha ha ha laughter is cute
Well it’s good as an instant ability cancel in situations where you’re taking damage and can’t hack
Just go all out on her until she uses it.
She would eat sigma alive without that one interaction so I’m fine with it tbh
Slow moving energy projectiles tend to pass through barriers. Symm orbs used to follow this rule too.
No. Lifeweaver is so cool and his personality is much more than being “gay”. Watch his origin story.
He represents a lot of queer people who really exist. There are hypermasculine men a dime a dozen and hyper feminine women, why can’t LW be a little fruity?
So whats there more of, wrecking ball or winston
Y’all must have short memories of you don’t remember how miserable the initial hog meta was in the earlier seasons
U aren’t allowed to be happy on this subreddit it’s full of people who are bored of the game and don’t realize they can stop playing so they blame anything else
I really don’t care about Hanzo. Everyone complains that he spams to get kills, I get killed by random Hanzo spam one in like 20 games, don’t stand where you think he’s shooting if you’re not a tank.
Think of how fast you explode due to purple and think- was damage always this high or has healing just compensated for the massive amount of power creep in this game? Purple wasn’t always a death sentence. Purple wouldn’t be a big deal if you didn’t need to be pocketed constantly to survive a fight
Bap probably has very strong cologne
People didn’t hate Ana until there was one tank and she could just spam all her cooldowns at them without using her brain. She was considered the best designed character in OW1
As someone who currently mains ball, countering new sombra is pretty simple. Let her hack you when it’s not useful. Now she’s revealed herself. I usually show myself and let her hack me, then I shoot her for a bit and roll to knock her away from her team and hard focus her. She’s a very easy kill on her own especially when you can easily follow up on translocate.
Mauga’s charge specifically avoids CC, it’s part of his ability.
Widow. I also have no interest in playing her. I don’t understand how people find her fun or interesting. At least Snipers in tf2 had a bunch of support options. Widow has a repositioning tool that only works half the time. Her entire kit is clicking on people and if you’re not good at that then she flat out is unplayable. At least with Ashe you get a ton of value from Bob and dynamite.
And when you do win they bring out brig and bastion