Worlds is a place where the best players come to play and memorable great plays such as Faker’s Azir shuffle are made. However, this worlds also had some of the most insane int plays such as Doran’s flash on Aatrox. The question is, which play is the most iconic int that we will remember for years to come?

  • SadLife101B
    10 months ago

    Everyone is talking about Hang’s blitz and Doran’s flash

    But i’d add Tarzan’s E+Q+R onto Faker with no follow-up to the int list.

    Mf literally saw his midlaner burn his Ult and flash + get chunked out. Yet he decides to All in on a fed orianna (with crown, rell and flash) that has ult. End up burning his ult to deal no damage and proceeds to die under his tower without even getting Faker to trade for his flash.

    Truly one of the ganks of all time