Worlds is a place where the best players come to play and memorable great plays such as Faker’s Azir shuffle are made. However, this worlds also had some of the most insane int plays such as Doran’s flash on Aatrox. The question is, which play is the most iconic int that we will remember for years to come?
Kanavi’s fumbles are fresh, but I still think that his missclicked Magical Journey into T1’s mid turret was the beginning of the end for JDG’s hopes.
Doran’s flash on Aatrox or Elk’s flash on Xayah.
Kanavi belveth in game 4 of T1 vs JDG at the soul fight. He catches faker out of positions and makes him blow flash, then he straight up trolls running towards faker’s azir soldiers, getting one shot without an explanation.
It was the most bronze play I’ve seen at this entire worlds, he just walks forward towards the enemy without any intention of engaging, just straight up trolling/inting.
probably hang’s blitzcrank performance and/or bin’s flash level 1 as jax into quinn (his reasoning was to trade hp since he would naturally lose prio, but quinn had fleet + refill so she outsustains regardless and he blew his flash for 0)
Nothing will ever top Chovy’s Ryze Flash, Ult panic in my book (last year)
Not a series people will remember in the future, but Game 3 FNC-C9 had several huge int plays.
Zven 1v4 in the river???
Zven hiding in blue bush for 1 minute … while inhib is under siege
Nothing will ever top Chovy’s Ryze Flash, Ult panic in my book (last year)
While bad, it’s nowhere near as bad as for example Doublelift’s Lucian running straight into Crown’s Viktor
Kellin trying to flank elder as Alistair with 5% hp
Completely forgot this one already, this was also insanely questionable
He thought they couldn’t see him 💀
TBF the rest of DX could have turned a bad situation into a 4v3 if they synced an attack when Hans Sama walked down to Kellin. Just my opinion :/
Rekkles twitch play vs immortals in 2017
LEC teams picking Ezreal
Everyone is talking about Hang’s blitz and Doran’s flash
But i’d add Tarzan’s E+Q+R onto Faker with no follow-up to the int list.
Mf literally saw his midlaner burn his Ult and flash + get chunked out. Yet he decides to All in on a fed orianna (with crown, rell and flash) that has ult. End up burning his ult to deal no damage and proceeds to die under his tower without even getting Faker to trade for his flash.
Truly one of the ganks of all time
Kanavi for the entire game 4 against T1
Kanavi pathing into that jungle dragon pit and faker killing him solo with sand soldier s
Kanavi taking 3 sand soldiers up the ass for dragon and him just taking it
He backed up that tonka truck for round 2💀
KT picking T1
Without a shadow of a doubt BDD had the most outrageous int plays.
1st one is gifting Ruler and Knight a free kill at Nash which started the snowball to them losing. Then in the same game TPing behind the enemy team to then get 1hit and throw the drake was it.
He might not of been the worst player that series but that was outrageous.
I still think it’s Doran’s game 5 Aatrox not flashing or stopwatching. Gen G was on their way winning that game, and then this play happened , they lost the teamfight and baron and then the game. Shame, truly