For me it is Yakuza 0 and Prey. Love everything about Yakuza but I only played 40 hours in span of a year. I love Arkane games but Prey just doesn’t pull me in, might be because I’m trying to do no alien powers run first…

  • Fender_StratoblasterB
    10 months ago
    • Far Cry 6
    • Valhalla

    Played 3 and 4 multiple times to 100% om hardest. 5 multiple times and full game in coop.

    Can’t get 1/3rd past FC6 and I’ve tried 3 times now. What a mediocre joke compared to the past.

    Valhalla is just too much space with too many items worth so little. And just feels like I’ve played it all. The story is all predictable and cliches.