This post is being made by a non-jungle main, so this isn’t flaming or complaining, I am after some insight. Why would you play late game junglers compared to early game junglers? Aren’t late game junglers purely banking on your team not inting early and their early jungler not being better? I guess in my head, in a typical laner sense, the junglers role should be to get laners ahead and carry the game that way. Am I wrong in saying this? I’m just after some insight into the benefits of late game junglers
Later junglers favor slower metas. A jungler who can powerfarm a substantial income lead can guarantee a wincon for themselves in much of the elo pool.
Some late game carries have good early games, but fall off in mid game if there not feed, Graves is a monster in the late game, but he has enough good early games to bully some JG, Kindred fall in the same category.
theoretically if ur lanes track jg and don’t die 50x early game to jarvan lee sin ganks then fiddle/udyr/karthus scalers are stronger. also greatly varies based on elo & whether ur talking solq/flex queue/pro play