game would be in a rly good spot if they just nerfed a few op champs imo. dk why some champs just get to be op for months and months
game would be in a rly good spot if they just nerfed a few op champs imo. dk why some champs just get to be op for months and months
agree qiyana is worse than zed, assassins are the worst class in the game
probs bc its more frustrating to have an off meta player not perform than it is to have an on meta player not perform
kirchies youmoos sorcshoes
i do think renekton is grossly overpriod in pro play. for years now tbh. i will say tho with his recent buffs and itemization he is in an ok spot rn, i get that people like the idea of a stable blindable top laner, i think there’s better options tho. plus renekton has some giga unwinnable matchups that nobody seems to punish the pick with
i think jayce is actually really good, great with poke comps, also has good matchups into a lot of meta mids. i don’t watch a ton of proplay so idk how effective it is but judging from what you said i assume it loses a lot, which surprises me.
agree w mao, maybe with sej, i don’t see how the rest aren’t useless tho
thx for leaving so many i enjoyed reading :D
i think morde is p underrated as a counterpick to tanks but i disagree that he wins every matchup, he’s a stat check champ that loses stat checks to a lot of meta tops.
kayn is no skill and very cringe i agree, akali i think is actually difficult. until the recent changes to her q costs she had one of the worst lane phases of any champ, and without abusing d shield + second wind she would lose every lane.
idk how i feel about kat, i think her playstyle is inherently really dishonest and relies too much on the chaos of soloq. hard for me to gauge how strong she is. i would say she’s balanced rn
zed as an ASSASSIN is dogshit i agree, but the dusk+rav 500 cdr urf build is very low skill. qiyana is worse imo
cait’s ad did get nerfed and she was pretty balanced for a while. i think she’s a bit too strong rn so that’s a fair take
tk passive is pretty stupid yea
i think roa and seraphs are pretty balanced ap items tbh, most are either under/overpowered but i actually like those
everfrost is fairly niche but sometimes i’ll face a d1 zil otp with 10k games per season that goes glacial + everfrost banshee hourglass and i agree
actually don’t mind ksante, bit overtuned but he has SO many counters that are rly free. i play w an amateur team and we love when ppl draft ksante vs us. not sure how i would change him to make him less cringe
sylas is one of my fav champs to play with/against
i also rly like playing vs lux (i don’t play mid), i think shes very easy to punish and her spells are almost always dodgable.
ezreal is kinda cringe i suppose, neutralizing p much anything and lets supports roam for free
tf needs a buff of some kind
bring back briars toes.
wukong is giga hard to balance but i kinda agree, he’s borderline unplayable top lane and slightly weak jg, however if he’s picked in the right comp i think he’s very strong. his 2 item spike is nuts
darius i kinda agree but isn’t fizz dogshit rn?
dearest karthus
azir is pretty balanced rn imo
i agree with zeri
ryze is also pretty balanced just hard and misunderstood by the community
probably gwen tbh
he’d be my #3 personally, i think he benefits a lot from being on t1, depends on the meta probs more than anything i’d be fine putting him on my imaginary roster
click close to ur champion
theoretically if ur lanes track jg and don’t die 50x early game to jarvan lee sin ganks then fiddle/udyr/karthus scalers are stronger. also greatly varies based on elo & whether ur talking solq/flex queue/pro play
changes to her kit over the years + people being unwilling to pick her duos.
probably still playable with taric/zac, maybe with milio. just no reason to pick her adc when u can play her jg and draft around it easier
HOLY yea its so fked if u play multiple accs, and i swear if u are logged onto one and have to log off and go to another it takes like 3x longer than signing onto the first acc.
these days i legit just task manager close every riot related program before switching accs bc more often than not the client bugs or takes giga long to load
good question, i don’t have anything to add to this but its a good topic to converse about thx for posting
here’s how i would change ap items
buff crown or lower its cost
give riftmaker better stats + better build path
make lich bane actually worth buying ever
lower cost of hourglass
lower cost of night harvester/protobelt
give deathcap better build path and/or make it cheaper
also yea lot of mages are shit rn but there’s more than just ori syndra, by saying only ori/syndra are good ur basically using the same flawed argument as people that say mages are op bc of ori/syndra. neeko annie azir cassio anivia ziggs karthus swain zilean fiddle are all fine
idk why you are complaining about rylai btw, one of the only actually good ap items that also allows for item combos (liandry + rylai + obli orb)
we don’t need ap axiom/dd/hullbreaker. serpant fang of some kind would be nice, tho i do build fang on ap champs on ARAM already
lol i love how the narrative changes, theshy wins one bo5 and all of a sudden everything thinks he’s the best player again
369/bin, kanavi, faker(1v1 vs other mids maybe not but overall as a player), ruler, keria
hopefully this worlds makes people realize the importance of draft, jdg and blg both lost bc their drafts. ofc this is league of legends so nothing will change and we will perma pick shit champs and perma pick blue side! woooo
i agree, i hate d shield + second wind meta if i were working at riot it would be one of the first things i’d nerf. doesn’t matter how well u lane enemy can just sit and heal under tower and wait for wave
soraka isn’t easy but she’s on the easier side of champs, i’d say her
think a lot of these will be playable top with the new items.