The team won last night and we couldn’t post a Cedi cause Cedi’s team lost (Wemby let him down)

But I woke up this morning and realized we didn’t have a W posted - who is the new face of the Cavs W? Garland? Maybe we could try random ones until something sticks lol

  • Forty_Six_and_TwoB
    11 months ago

    There’s no one face. Gun to my head I’d say Garland b/c he’s the future, but you could say the same for Mobley. Now that there isn’t a giant gaping hole at the 3 anymore, you can literally just put all 5 starters, plus TT and every other Sunday Caris and call it our new monument of the franchise. Each face can’t do much without the others, but all together, it’s fuckin Voltron baby.