Sanity check. Over the past 18 regular season games, dating back to the Saints game in week 10 / 2022, the Steelers record is 13-5. Additionally they went 3-0 in the 2023 preseason. Only the Chiefs have more regular season victories over that period. Are most of the victories nail biters ? Hell yeah ! Are we all having heart attacks in the last 2 minutes most games ? Yep ! Has this been Steelers football for so many years ? Basically ! Is there room for improvement ? Big time ! But those who are beating on the regular whipping boys after each loss and even each win should sit up and check the facts and be glad we have a winning team. Here we go…

  • tomveiltomveilB
    10 months ago

    Both of these things are true:

    1. If we’d beaten the Jaguars, currently we would have the #1 seed.
    2. According to the best statistical models, our team is slightly worse than the historical average team.