Hey there everyone! I finished reading Saramago’s ‘Blindness’ a while ago and… I have to admit that I had to push myself through to finish it, much to the bafflement of many people who consider it a ‘masterpiece’. When I wrote its review, I pointed out how the written style was blocky and nearly a headache to read due to the lack of proper punctuation, paragraphs and so on.

But now I’m sort of curious, what sort of book you thought was ‘overrated’ and why?

  • WylderthoughtsB
    10 months ago

    Wuthering Heights.

    only people who watched the movie will love it.

    those who read the book fully, will not.

  • ShinyBlueChocoboB
    10 months ago

    11/22/63 was the book that made me finally quit Stephen King

    Song of Achilles was like watching paint dry

    House on the Cerulean Sea was a huge letdown after Under the Whispering Door (and after not even finishing In the Lives of Puppets starting to think Klune was a one and done)

    Hell Bent pretty much dropped everything that made Ninth House good because this one guy was so special and important and we just have to get him and his big glowing dick back

    The Great and Secret Show was great until the main characters were introduced

    Whalefall was a two short stories in a trenchcoat pretending to be a novel

    Not even going to comment on Prince Lestat it knows what it did