Is there a champion you just can’t seem to grasp or understand despite them being relatively easy/stereotyped in the community as simple?

for me it’s Hecarim and Garen. I genuinely have no idea what Hecarim ganks do, even at triple Q stacks it feels like he does no damage, and yes the E pushes but you have to use your E to get to them in the first place, so half the time you at best push them into a wall instead of your team, and he also goes in a lot for how squishy he is, especially with assassin builds

as for garen, i just don’t understand how my E is supposed to outdamage whatever the enemy does during an all out, even if i silence them first they always have more ways to deal damage (although I do play him Jg so that could be the problem, lol)

  • Comfortable_Camera_7B
    10 months ago

    Darius. Your brain always has to be in “fight” mode, because you are the bully you have to look for every mistake you can punish and understand the enemy champion enough to know how to space and trade effectively against them. Whereas Garen, I shut off my brain against 500k mastery Irelia and still win.