Is there a champion you just can’t seem to grasp or understand despite them being relatively easy/stereotyped in the community as simple?
for me it’s Hecarim and Garen. I genuinely have no idea what Hecarim ganks do, even at triple Q stacks it feels like he does no damage, and yes the E pushes but you have to use your E to get to them in the first place, so half the time you at best push them into a wall instead of your team, and he also goes in a lot for how squishy he is, especially with assassin builds
as for garen, i just don’t understand how my E is supposed to outdamage whatever the enemy does during an all out, even if i silence them first they always have more ways to deal damage (although I do play him Jg so that could be the problem, lol)
Annie. I just can’t for some reason
How has no one said Master Yi?
I just don’t fucking understand him. It feels like when I play him, I have half the HP, half the damage, and half the ult duration of other people.
Never engage with Q unless you have to. Try save it for when the adc flashes
always run into the fight at the correct flank/angle
playing front to back and just charging into a fight from the front will just get you killed instantly
Eve, it’s really hard playing with one hand.
Karma, for some reason my Mantra Qs always snag on a minion whereas the enemy’s perfectly slap the backline. And I can’t get the timing/range of her W right
Let me add Mantra E not activating when I want it too and ending up doing mantra Q instead.
Unironically, Garen. Whenever I play vs him it’s like I can’t out trade him, he shields, silences and spins then gets his phase rush and runs away.
When I play him, I do the w-q-e thing, but they somehow catch up and out trade me. When I play him it feels like his e deals 0 damage
soraka isn’t easy but she’s on the easier side of champs, i’d say her
Darius. Your brain always has to be in “fight” mode, because you are the bully you have to look for every mistake you can punish and understand the enemy champion enough to know how to space and trade effectively against them. Whereas Garen, I shut off my brain against 500k mastery Irelia and still win.
Karthus. I absolutely hate his auto attacks
I have no fucking idea how to play Jax. Champ seems conceptually super simple and then I play him and literally feel like a toddler playing with blocks.