This team can be in the most dumpster fire, dog water situations and I will still manage to convince myself that we have a chance. I woke up this morning and unknowingly, LIKE ACTUALLY, without even realizing it, came up with a scenario where we still make the playoffs. Right after the Seahawks loss all the way to the end of the Bills game I was repeating to myself all day and night, “the seasons over, the season is seriously over.” Then, OOOOOH WHADOYAKNOOOOOOOOW this morning I get up and one of my first thoughts is “well we were going to lose 6 games at some point anyway, so maybe if we can just beat the Giants and steal one from the Cowboys…” and I had to catch myself mid-thought and laugh at the realization that I unironically just did that, almost on impulse. What. Have I become?

  • naskai8117B
    10 months ago

    Too many people act like it is logical to hope your team loses every game in the hopes that magically the first pick of the draft will change everything. Enjoy the game while its on, move on with your life after it is over, whether we win or lose.

    It’ll be cool if we win some games, but no one’s life changes based on how the team does (unless they work for the team).