I’ve been playing League for a bout 1,5 years and my favorite role as you can probably guess is top, but my favorite character class is mage, specifically battle mages like Swain. What I like about top is that you are both 1v1 melee bruisers and that why i don’t want to switch roles to mid or jungle.

What I consider a mage is a character witch has almost none or none movement abilities and does almost all it’s damage with abilities so I don’t think Kennen is really a mage for top, because he has way to much movement so I think this mage should have a few criteria if Riot ever desides to add a top mage like this

  1. melee but still do a lot of damage with abilities;
  2. a pretty tanky or drain tanky champion that can survive Darius and Garen;
  3. someone who has really good scaling, but has an alternative resourse kind of like Aphelios but with spells and instead of mana, because all mages currently have mana issues in toplane;
  4. and i think he could be a mage that has a sword or dagger and a book or staff, kind of dual wielding it because this should be a melee mage.

I really want to know am I the only one who want’s a champion like this or are there more people like me who like to play top and mages

  • Unknown_Warrior43B
    10 months ago

    You’re searching for Mordekaiser, he’s as Drain tanky as a Melee AP Champion can get (skipping Sylas since you specifically don’t want Mobility). Gragas can be a solid Alternative too.

  • tryme000000B
    10 months ago

    i mean theres like 50 champs that are what you’ve described lol. sylas rumble gwen singed mordekaiser lillia, theres probs more