Let me say first I want Kenny to be they guy in Pittsburgh, and I have faith that he is still young and developing into his full potential. With that said, he is the antithesis of Josh Allen. Clean pocket, no pressure, immediately to the checkdown. Dude has got to start looking down the field more and taking risks if he ever wants to be a franchise QB.

He isn’t losing us any games, but he sure as hell isn’t winning them either. To me its pretty obvious his confidence is shot, don’t know how he gets it back, but he needs to find it again.

  • WabbitCZENB
    10 months ago

    Your screenshot shows him already mid throw. Not only that, but the WR has a DB in close coverage with two more apparently moving down field who can easily move into position to turn single coverage into double or triple.

    And you are faulting him for not throwing it that way.