My neighbor wants to sell me his Gen 1 500 GB Steam Deck (its in great shape) so he can get the OLED version. What is a fair price range? There are no right/wrong answers just curious what the resale market looks with the new line coming out.

  • Mast3rBait3rProB
    10 months ago

    considering after tax I paid like 700 for my deck, I’d rather just keep it and enjoy it for years to come rather than sell it for peanuts now that the oled is out. When the actual steam deck 2 is out I’ll think about getting that one but probably keep my original. It’s like a part of gaming history at this point, plus it can do a LOT more than a regular old console

    • GilBatesHatesApplesB
      10 months ago

      Yeah, seems like a lot of people are willing to sell their OG deck for a significant loss to buy an OLED, so in reality, the OLED will actually cost them quite a bit more. There’s no way I’d take that big of a loss on my hardware. If I want an OLED in the future I’ll buy one, but I’m keeping my OG 512. I still think people are over-hyping the OLED screen.